3 Free Generators
for you to test
+ Unlimited Use
All Free Features
+ 6 Extra Generators
All Basic Features
+ Ad Free
+ 9 Extra Generators
+ New Generator Monthly
All Standard Features
+ 27 Extra Generators!
+ Video Capture!
+ New Generator Weekly


Visitors: Website visitors are welcome to try out some fully functioning generators. If they work ok in your browser and on your system, then all the others will work ok as well. Just hit the “Start” button above to begin creating!

Basic Membership: Register with us for completely free and get access to six more generators. Start creating books for Amazon KDP, or coloring pages to sell on Etsy, or anything else you can think of, even just for coloring yourself!

Standard Membership: Starting to get serious now. Build or expand your book business. For a tiny monthly fee, get unrestricted access to a further nine generators. Create a range of KDP coloring books, create backgrounds for other coloring designs, create game design mock-ups and so much more. Plus view the website without adverts and look forward to a new generator every month!

Premium Membership: Build or expand your book empire with a huge selection of unique coloring book generators. Produce all the pages for a unique coloring book in minutes. Upload many unique coloring books to KDP and lots more! Get a mammoth selection of a further twenty-seven (27) fantastic coloring book generators for a modest monthly fee. The sky’s the limit, unlimited ad free access to all the generators on this website and new ones weekly. You’ll never be stuck for coloring book ideas again!

Additionally, all the premium generators with canvas animations in Premium Membership have built in video capture! You can choose the frame rate and choose from webm, Animated Gif, MP4, PNG Sequences, Jpeg Sequences and Webp file formats. As simple as pressing a button to start and stop video capture! The file is automatically saved with a unique file name. Great for game mock-ups, memes, animated gif sites, promotional material and much more!